Welcome to Grandview High School Athletic Registration



Boys' Swim & Dive and Boys' Volleyball start Monday, February 17th

Baseball, Girls' Golf, Boys' and Girls' Lacrosse, Girls' Soccer, Girls' Tennis, and Track & Field all start Monday, February, 24th



Click here to view the  current CHSAA calendar for season start dates

Athletes will NOT be allowed to tryout or practice until the following items are completed:

  1. Online Registraton
  2. Current Physical from doctor uploaded --- Click here for the form. CHSAA has a mandated new physical form that MUST be used. Physicals are valid for one year (365 days) from the date of last exam. If it expires in season, the athlete cannot participate until an updated one is on file.
  3. Cleared by the Athletics Office (email will be sent to the parent confirming clearance)
  4. ELEVATION STUDENTS ONLY: Please complete this FORM and email to cyoung33@cherrycreekschools.org prior to REGISTRATION! This MUST be submitted to participate




If you have questions or need assistance with the registration, please address it to:
Wesly Smock - Athletic Director
Phone: 720-886-6530
Cindy Young - Assistant
Phone: 720-886-6530